Monday, June 23, 2008

My letter to Mohammed

Dear Mohammed,
How are you doing? I really miss you, so I want to invite you to visit my country.
I suppose the best time to go in Russia is in May. It's allready not cold and not so hot yet and this is the best time for walking.
As I remember you love history very much, so I guess it's good idea to come to my town, because there are a lot of different historical sights here. One of the most famouse ones is Mamaev Hill. This is a very significal place for my town and Russia in common. Mamaev Hill is the highest point in Volgograd. The main monument there called Mather Land. It's a huge statue, which is a simbol of our freedom.
Exept for this we also have a fabulous night life and other kinds of intertament. So i'm sure we are going to have a great time!
To make your trip easier I suggest you to take a couple lessons of russian language in your city, and when you arrive in my place i can be your teacher:)
I'm waiting for your answer and look foward to seeing you!
Your friend Olga

Friday, June 20, 2008

Personality types

There are two personality types: extrovert and introvert. They are so different, but, as I found out during my conversation with Hanno, people who have opposite personality types, can have similarities too.

Hanno is a guy from Germany. He's an introvert. He usualy doesn't show his feelings and prefers to relax alone or with a few close friends.

As for me, I'm a typical extrovert. I've got a lot of friends and buddies, and adore spending my free time with them in public places.

Hanno doesn't like to speak a lot, paticularly with stranges, he's very calm and prefers to talk only when the topic is truly important, whereas I love to speak and can do this freely even with people I meet for the first time. This is because I'm a very social, comunicative and talkative person.

In spite of our differenses we've got some similarities. We are both dood listeners and we don't get tired when we're very active.

I suppose we can hardly ever find a person who has only extroverted or introverted characteristics. Each of us can be both extrovert and introvert in various situations.

As for me and Hanno, we are opposite personality types. There are some similarities between us, but differenses dominate. Despite this me could still be friends.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela is one of the most famous politicians in the world. He played an important role in the history of South Africa.

He was born in Qunu, South Africa on 18th July, 1918 and later in his life he really influenced his motherland.

Mandela graduated the Union College of Fort Hare, after which he studied law in Johannesburg.

Later Nelson Mandela started his political career. In 1942 he joined the African National Congress.

Mandella became Youth League Secretary in 1947. In 1952 he took the position of Deputy Head of ANC, and at last in the 1991 he became President of ANC.

After retirement Mandla has been raising his money to children's charities.

All his life Mandela fought against apartheid, and he was able to prove that skin color doesn't matter.